You’re ready to buy a puppy and here at WoofsLair Shepherds near Richmond, Virginia, we have been breeding German Shepherd dogs since 1989 and began showing our beautiful babies shortly after that. We offer stud services and healthy puppies for sale to good homes across the United States. Our goal is not only to produce gorgeous champion dogs, but also to breed for outstanding temperament and mental and all-over physical soundness.
We seek the epitome of good temperament and sound mental and physical health for our dogs. Our puppies are all house-raised. They are well-used to family life with children-its noises and a high level of attention and love. With children of our own, who are a large part of our dog’s lives, we require excellence in temperament from all of our dogs. In our concern for physically sound puppies, we selectively breed adult dogs that have been either OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) certified or preliminarily x-rayed to try to prevent hip dysplasia in German Shepherd dogs. The resulting puppies are healthy, plushy, large-boned, dark eyed, with rock-solid backs, graceful sidegaits, and loving dispositions. The males are strong, masculine, stallion-looking while the females are typy and cute.
We are breeding for show puppies and do pull those off the top for later consideration, evaluation, and possible sale. The remainder of the litter is then sold as pets into good, caring, loving homes. When you are ready for the best puppy or adult dog for your family, whether it is a puppy for the show ring or a puppy for your couch, check out the outstanding dogs at WoofsLair Shepherds-where beauty and temperament go hand in hand!